Sabtu, 29 September 2018

Pentingnya mengetahui Undang Undang Ketenaga kerjaan bagi setiap expatriat indonesia.

Pemasalahan perselisihan kerja bukan masalah yang baru di dunia ketenaga kerjaan. ini merupakan isu yang sudah mendarah daging dan sayangnya ga banyak dari tenaga kerja yang tau tentang hal itu. Ada yang tau sedikit, ada yang tidak tau sama sekali atau bahkan tidak mau tau sama sekali akan hal itu. Pasti rekan sekalian pada mikir... kenapa tema ini saya angkat di tulisan kali ini? biar ga penasaran coba kita kupas bersama

Latar belakang saya bikin tulisan ini adalah:

  • adanya kasus pekerja sakit stroke di tempat kerja dan berakhir harus memutuskan kontrak karena merasa tidak dipedulikan oleh pihak perusahaan
  • Adanya kasus pekerja yang tidak mendapatkan gaji selama 2 tahun berturut turut.
  • Adanya kasus 5 orang pekerja di PHK sepihak karena tidak mau mengikuti perintah atasan.
semua kasus ini terjadi di tahun 2018 dan di alami oleh teman dekat saya dan bukan kisah fiksi yang penuh dengan drama india.Ada benang merah terhadap semua kejadian di atas. point keterkaitannya adalah:

  1. Minimnya pengetahuan pekerja atas hak dan kewajibannya yg sesuai dengan perjanjian kerja atau bahkan yang tercover di UU ketenaga kerjaan di tempat mereka bekerja.
  2. Minimya pengetahuan pekerja atas langkah apa saja yang harus ditempuh bila menemui perselisihan kerja terhadap pihak perusahaan.

Contoh saja... ketika berhadapan dengan kasus perselisihan ketenaga kerjaan dan ditanyakan "apakah tindakan saudara-saudara sekalian ini sesuai dengan job deskripsi atau tidak betentangan dengan kontrak kerja yang telah ditanda tangani bersama?" dan jawabannya "tidak tahu... kurang paham"

contoh real ketika dibukakan UU ketenaga kerjaan setempat dan ternyata saat itu juga pekerja baru tahu kesalahan mereka...

ini salah satu cuplikan UU ketenagakerjaan yang banyak pekerja lupa untuk membacanya



Under the Labour Law, an employee may not, regardless of whether the contract is an indefinite or fixed-term contract, be dismissed without cause unless the dismissal occurred during and pursuant to the employee’s validly negotiated probationary period. Rather, dismissal must be supported by a valid reason specified in a written notice. There is no guidance as to the scope of a valid reason, and there is some evidence to suggest that courts are more willing to find a valid reason for dismissal when the employee is an expatriate, rather than a Saudi Arabian national.

An employer may dismiss an employee bound to a fixed-term contract in one of the following three ways: (1) non-renewal of the employment contract at the end of the contract’s duration;14 (2) an event that triggers any of the contract’s terms with respect to dismissal or termination, unless such terms are contrary to the Labour Law or to Saudi public policy; or (3) a conversion of the fixed-term contract to an indefinite term employment contract, which permits termination with 60 days’ notice and a valid reason.

In the event that none of these options is applicable, the Labour Court may, nonetheless, be willing to approve the dismissal of the employee for other reasons that it may deem valid, provided that adequate compensation is paid to the employee (e.g., the equivalent of three months’ salary).

As a last resort, an employer may terminate an employment agreement with cause if the employee engages in egregiously inappropriate behaviour (e.g., by assaulting the employer; see below for a more detailed discussion of for-cause termination). In these cases, the employer must give the employee a chance to object to the termination and state his or her reasons for the same (Article 80 LL).

Dismissal of employees bound to indefinite term employment contracts, in addition to a valid reason, requires that the employee receive written notice describing the reason for the dismissal. Employees who are paid monthly must receive the notice at least 60 days prior to the termination, whereas all other employees must receive such notice at least 30 days in advance. The employer may, however, forgo the employee’s respective statutory notice period in exchange for a payment to the employee equal to the employee’s wage for the duration of the notice period.

As a general rule, an employer must provide a dismissed employee with a statutory end-of-service reward or indemnity. The Labour Law, however, does not require the employer to pay the reward or any other indemnity in the following cases of for-cause termination:

a.the employee assaults the employer or any of his or her superiors;

b.the employee fails to obey the orders of his or her superiors or does not meet the essential obligations under his or her employment contract;

c.if there is proof to suggest that the employee has adopted bad conduct or behaviour, or has committed an act affecting honour or integrity;

d.the employee commits an act with the intention to cause material loss to the employer;

e.the employee resorts to forgery in order to obtain the job;

f.the employee is dismissed during his or her contractual probationary period;

g.the employee is absent without a valid reason for a period of time specified in the Labour Law, so long as a warning is first served;

h.the employee unlawfully takes advantage of his or her position with the employer in order to receive personal gains; or

i.the employee discloses work-related confidential information or trade secrets (Article 80 LL).

Irrespective of the way in which the employee is terminated, the employer is required to pay the employee’s wages and settle all of the employee’s entitlements within one week of the dismissal or termination date. If the employee is an expatriate worker, then the employer must also bear the costs of a return ticket to the employee’s homeland, unless the employee resigns in the absence of a legitimate reason (Article 40.2 LL).

In cases in which an employer wishes to terminate an employee for cause, but the employee disputes the basis of the termination, the parties may enter into a settlement agreement in order to avoid protracted litigation before the Commission for the Settlement of Labour Disputes, which has jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees. Usually, agreements to settle are entered into between the parties after an employee has already filed a complaint.

ii Redundancies, conclusion of certain activities and closure

Redundancies are deemed to be valid reasons for terminating employment contracts. If company restructuring or some other business decisions lead to redundancies in personnel, a company may terminate certain redundant employees, provided that it fulfils the statutorily mandated notice period or makes payment in lieu thereof.

In addition, where a company ceases operations in a certain activity, or ceases operations altogether, the amendments to the Labour Law that went into effect in 2015 provide as a matter of statute that the relevant employees working in such operations may be terminated (Article 74 LL).

kira-kira begitu... doain aja semoga saya bisa bikin seminar tentang pentingnya hal ini bagi para expatriat indonesia.