Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

How overseas Filipinos are treated by people back home?.... temukan jawabannya disini

Beberapa kali bertemu dan bercerita sesama rekan yang kerja di saudi ternyata masih banyak kisah yang bisa digali dan dijadikan bahan renungan atau mungkin dijadikan salah satu bahan pembelajaran bagi saya pribadi untuk selalu mensyukuri dengan segala apa yang didapat hari ini, Sebenarnya ingin sekali saya mewawancari atau menulis kisah-kisah mereka agar bisa sekali lagi dijadikan bahan renungan atau mungkin syukur-syukur kalo bisa dijadikan masukan buat para pemegang kekuasaan agar bisa membantu segala problema buruh migran indonesia selama mereka bekerja di luar negeri.

Sebelum mencoba mewawancarai secara formal mending baca dulu tulisan blogger Philippine tentang OFW = Overseas Filipino Workers yang dirilis di halaman Berikut cuplikan pembicaraannya semoga bisa menginspirasi.

I thought to ask Erick what he thinks about working in Saudi Arabia and what his take on increasing OFW population.

I: What is the situation of jobs for telecom engineers in Philippines?
Erick: Job market for telecommunication is very good in Philippines. Initially it was totally in control of government operator but after lot of foreign investments, private operator started doing business, which created many jobs.

I: Were you enjoying your job life in Philippines?
Erick: Yes, I was very much enjoying. Esp. when I was about to leave Philippines I was team leader and many engineers were working under me.

I: What made you leave Philippines; is life difficult there?

Erick: Life is not difficult there, it depends how you want to live, depends upon your life style. But nowadays taking care of family is getting difficult because of high prices and taxations.

I: So family finances was main reason to become OFW!
Erick: Yes and No. In these days of high prices it has become very hard to take care of family, daily expenses for good education for my kids. Though I was enjoying my work but not satisfied with salary. One is not able to buy land, property or do investments for future. This made me think of working overseas and I also want to have new experiences.

I: Why you selected Saudi Arabia?

Erick: It was by chance, it was the only option available at that time.

I: What benefits OFW enjoy in Philippines?
Erick: Every government try to give different facilities, benefits to overseas workers. For example, previous government used OFI (overseas Filipino investors) instead of OFW trying to give us opportunities to make large investments. OFW can get loan on easy terms and sometimes government also wave taxes depending upon the investment.

I: How overseas Filipinos are treated by people back home?
Erick: We are treated as “Heroes”. Whenever we arrive in Philippines we are given VIP welcome, whole family is there to receive. Even on airports we have separate immigrations lines and while leaving we don’t even have to pay terminal fees. People organise dinners and you have to give PASALUBONG.

Erick: Presents, souvenirs people bring for their loved ones. We have to take care of pasalubong, especially for kids.

I: And what benefits you have in Saudi Arabia?

Erick: Government has representative offices of OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration) in every country, even in Saudi Arabia. They help Filipinos in different problems like handling legal matters, court cases or helping the Filipinos who face abusive treatment from their sponsors, unfortunately most of them are house maids. Secondly many Filipinos have made many communities like educational community, religious community even sports communities. We are lucky enough to have helpful and productive communities here.

I: Have you every faced any professional difficulties in Saudi Arabia?

Erick: No, never in profession. I have been lucky enough to work with good institutions.

I: How is daily life in Saudi Arabia?

Erick: Life is simple but very boring if you are single; as there not many activities to do here. Yes, we really admire family life here as you get a lot of time to bond with your wife and kids. Family life is relaxing here.

I: Do you think your life has changed in Philippines because of your overseas employment?
Erick: Yes definitely, no doubt about that. I have been able to buy property, I have been to give good education to my son and Alhumdulillah enjoying and getting everything we wish for.

I: In last, do you recommend others to come to Saudi Arabia?
Erick: Well, NO.

I: And why is that?
Erick: For financial stability and savings, Saudi is very good option; but culturally it is not. Filipinos face cultural difference here and also religious as Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim country; we Christians have no religious independence here. And secondly I am not satisfied with the education level of school for my son. I want my son to have degree from highly respected schools. Beside school, kids don’t get much chance to enjoy outside life. So Saudi Arabia is good option but not best one.

Sudah pada baca kan? kira-kira kalo dibandingkan dengan tenaga kerja indonesia bila di berikan pertanyaan yang serupa, apakah 80% jawabannya akan sama?

siapa yang mau diwawancarai pertama kali, ini yang jadi pertanyaa? Pak RT Jubail kah? atau Dedengkot jubail atau yang familiar di panggil TOMAS = TOkoh MASyarakat jubail? biar pembaca yang akan menjawabnya. Dan nantikan wawancara exclusive di edisi berikutnya InshaaAllah

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